Braun C, Zumft WG
Marker exchange of the structural genes for nitric oxide reductase blocks the denitrification pathway of Pseudomonas stutzeri at nitric oxide
J Biol Chem 266:22785-22788 (1991)

Bacterial denitrification reverses nitrogen fixation in the global N-cycle by transforming nitrate or nitrite to dinitrogen. Both nitrite and nitric oxide (NO) are considered as the chemical species within the denitrification pathway, that precede nitrous oxide (N2O), the first recognized intermediate with N,N-bonds antecedent to N2. Molecular cloning of the structural genes for NO reductase from Pseudomonas stutzeri has allowed us to generate the first mutants defective in NO utilization (Nor- phenotype) by marker exchange of the norCB genes with a gene cassette for gentamicin resistance. Nitric oxide reductase was found to be an indispensable component for denitrification; its loss constituted a conditionally lethal mutation. NO as the sole product accumulated from nitrite by mutant cells induced for nitrite respiration (denitrification). The Nor- mutant lost the capability to reduce NO and did not grow anymore anaerobically on nitrate. A Nir-Nor- double mutation, that inactivated also the respiratory nitrite reductase cytochrome cd1 rendered the bacterium again viable under anaerobiosis. Our observations provide evidence for a denitrification pathway in vivo of NO2- ® NO ® N2O, and N,N-bond formation catalyzed by NO reductase and not by cytochrome cd1.

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